฿ 3,208.00
ประหยัด 15 %
Barcode : 9781259657573
ISBN : 9781259657573
ปีพิมพ์ : 10 / 2016
ขนาด ( w x h ) : 0 x 0 mm.
จำนวนหน้า : 544 หน้า
หมวดหนังสือ : จุลชีววิทยา
Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology , tenth Edition was designed and written to be directly correlated to Prescott's Microbiology, tenth Edition, by Joanne M. Willey, Linda M. Sherwood, and Christopher J. Woolverton. The class-tested exercises are modular to allow instructors to easily incorporate them into their course. This balanced introduction to each area of microbiology now also has accompanying Connect content for additional homework and assessment opportunities.